How Does BotBroker Work?

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BotBroker is an online marketplace where you can buy and sell bots with peace of mind. BotBroker is a well known marketplace among the botting community because of the fact that there is no middleman – it allows you to buy directly from another individual or sell directly to another individual.

Buying on BotBroker

BotBroker’s popularity can also be devoted to it’s simplicity; the process of buying a process through this website is quick and easy. Firstly, you begin by scrolling through the website ( to find the bot that works best for you. There are endless bots to choose from with bots like Cybersole, Prism, Ganesh, Balko and MekAIO, among others, being available. Once you find a bot that fits your needs, you can place a bid on the bot if you feel like this is the appropriate course of action. If you believe that the bot has been priced fairly, you can outright buy the bot which allows you to skip the waiting time and back and forth that comes with placing a bid. If you decide to purchase the bot outright, you simply make a payment through the website and your bot will be ready to download instantly. BotBroker is well known for it’s security so you can be sure that your money will result in you being able to download the bot that you paid for. With some bot marketplaces, you may be scammed out of your hard earned cash but this doesn’t happen on BotBroker. Up until this point, BotBroker has handled 48,115 successful transactions and this is testimony to the success of BotBroker as a bot marketplace. To ensure that the bots being sold on the marketplace are authentic and to guarantee security, BotBroker has a set method. Every key that is being sold on the website is authenticated with the respective bot company (BotBroker has direct ties with all the companies that manufacture these bots so it ensures that you will always receive a genuine bot). After this has happened, payments from the buyer are captured but aren’t fully executed. This means that they can return the payment of the buyer if required. Once the payment is successfully captured, the bot key is changed and ownership of the bot is transferred to the buyer. Once this has happened, the payment is executed and the seller receives his money. As you can see, BotBroker has a very well set out process that ensures that buyers will not be scammed or be the victims of online fraud. If you decide to bid on the bot you desire, you will have to wait until the bid has been accepted by the seller so this process may be a bit longer but it may be fruitful as you could save some money.

Full Ownership

Another advantage of using BotBroker is that they ensure that the ownership of the bot is transferred to you fully. With certain bots, there is a Discord account that is ‘bound’ to the bot. This means that sellers can sell you the key of a bot but still have partial ownership because they have the Discord that is bound to the bot. If you decide to use BotBroker to buy a bot, you will be given access to the Discord too. The reason that BotBroker is able to do this is because of their unique relationship with the bot developers. As BotBroker has direct connections with all the bot developers, they have been given access to developer APIs that let them disconnect a seller’s Discord account from the key. This means that when the buyer gets the key that they have bought, they also get access to a Discord that they can link to their own account. One drawback of using BotBroker is that it only allows you to pay through a PayPal account which can be often be a hassle. Thus, if you don’t have a PayPal account and would like to buy through BotBroker, you will have to make one. Another drawback is the fees that BotBroker charges on top of the price of the bot that is advertised. While the fees may be justified (they help keep the website running, help to pay employees and help to attract other bot developers), the 15% that you have to pay on top of the price of the bot is a hidden fee and thus can be quite deceiving on occasion. If the bot you are purchasing is worth less than $50 USD, BotBroker will charge $15 USD. On a bot like Nebula (that is currently advertised on the site for $20 USD), you will have to pay $15 USD on top of the price that is advertised. In this particular example, you have to pay 75% of the value of the bot in just fees for BotBroker and this is quite disheartening.


The process of selling a bot through BotBroker is also quite easy. Simply create an account for BotBroker that can be done easily (make sure that the email of your PayPal is the same email that is used to create the account as if not, BotBroker will require you to make a new account using the same email or will require you to change the email on your PayPal) through the Sign Up page on The sign up process requires you to enter your email address, name and a password. Once you have done this, you can go to the Settings tab of your account page where you can link your PayPal account. Once this is done, you have to bind your key to a discord account if you have not done this already. Next, go over to the auth tab of the settings page that comes up if you have logged in and link the Discord account that your key is bound to. You can do this by simply clicking the ‘link new account’ button that takes you through the log in process of Discord. To make sure that the Discord account you are linking is actually yours, BotBroker will need you to verify your email and go through a process of two factor authentication. Once this has been done, head on over to the sell page that is found on BotBroker’s home page; simply fill pit the ‘sell’ form and you are ready to go. In the ‘sell’ form, you will be required to choose the bot you are willing to sell (you can sell 30 bots through BotBroker and this is thought to be expanding as BotBroker builds relationships with other bot developers), your key for the bot, an ask price that you think is appropriate and an optional coupon code. All that is left to do is to click the ‘confirm new listing’ button and you are ready to go. You should begin receiving bids for the bot quickly and you can choose to accept one of the bids. Once you have chosen to accept a bid or someone has bought the bot outright, you will be paid through PayPal; these payouts can take up go 5 business days but most get sent out within 48 hours. As you can see, the process of selling through BotBroker is simple and easy to do. One drawback with the process is that BotBroker deducts 9% of the seller’s payout to contribute to their ‘fees’. While this is a lower percentage fee than other sneaker marketplaces, it is still quite a lot and can cut into a big chunk of the seller’s profit.


The BotBroker site also includes a section on ‘Groups’. This is useful if you are trying to get inducted into a cook group where you can interact with other resellers. BotBroker sells access to 8 different groups including Site Supply, Pulse, Notify and Bounce Alerts. The benefit of paying to get into a cook group is that you (as a reseller) can get the upper hand over other resellers in the market. Groups such as Bounce Alerts, for example, offer a lot of features – Bounce Alerts provides the members of their group with up to date information about restocks that allows them to get the step up on competition. Bounce Alerts as a group also has a card flipping section where experts in the card selling market cover the best short and long term investments in terms of sports and trading cards. As it is evident, this is a very lucrative market at the moment so induction into a group can allow you to explore other forms of revenue. Bounce Alerts also helps members of the group get knowledge on ways to upscale their business; one way a through Amazon FBA. Groups are almost essential for a serious reseller as they give you access to early information and give you information about the time of restocks of shoes and apparel. Thus, it is good to see that BotBroker offers support for this. However, one drawback is that of the 8 groups that are available, only 2 are on sale at the moment. The number on sale always fluctuates but it does mean that you may have to wait for the group you want to come into stock.


The BotBroker site also includes a ‘Drops’ section. To put it simply, this is a sneaker release calendar where you can clearly see what sneakers are going to be released in the upcoming weeks and months. However, a quick look at the section reveals that the developers behind BotBroker haven’t updated this section of the website in recent times. The last sneaker on the calendar is the Yeezy 700 Wash Orange which released on 16th October 2021. As it is currently January, it is quite disappointing to see that the developers behind BotBroker have not updated their website. The site also includes a FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions where you can find answers to most of your questions. If there is a question that is not answered on the site, you can contact the BotBroker support team at or you can @ them on social media platforms like Twitter.

Rent or Buy?

This brings us on to a vital question – is it better to buy or rent a sneaker bot? They both have their advantages but they both have their disadvantages. At the end of the day, the decision to buy or rent a bot depends on a variety of factors however the most important factor is the needs of the individual. For example, if you are a casual sneaker lover and you are looking to grab a new pair of kicks before the spring, renting may be the best option for you. On the other hand, if you are a serious reseller who does reselling as their 9-5, buying a bot may be the right path.

Use whenever you want to

One advantage of buying a bot is that you can make your passion your work through the use of a bot. If you are a sneaker lover who uses bots from time to time to get hold of a hyped release, buying a bot could allow you to expand your passion into a job. If you have bought a bot, you have access to the bot for a certain amount of time (until the key needs to be renewed) in which you will have instant access to the bot. You will not need to go through the process of renting a bot every time you see a pair of kicks that you would like for yourself or you would like to sell them on for a profit. This can save you a lot of time and time is one thing that is needed to give you the best chance at getting a pair of sneakers. Furthermore, if you have access to a bot at all times, you can use the bot for surprise releases. For example, if information about the release a pair of sneakers is released only hours before the actual release, it is likely that you will not have time to rent a bot and set it up. However, if you have access to a bot 24/7, it means that you can be prepared for surprise releases and normal releases alike. Another advantage of owning a sneaker bot is that it allows you to rent out the bot to earn passive income when you don’t require the bot. This can be quite profitable if you are able to snag a popular bot at retail prices and then rent it out when you don’t need it.

Fluctuating Prices

A disadvantage of buying a bot is that bot prices fluctuate wildly. The bot that you purchased could be worth hundreds less on the very next day and thus it is a risk buying a bot. Furthermore, buying a bot is a long term investment that requires constant maintenance and cash – for example, you have to first buy a bot for a certain amount of money. Many bots require their keys to be renewed after 6 months or a year to make sure they keep working. Therefore, you need quite a lot of money to keep yourself in ownership of the bot. With the rental of a bot, you don’t have to worry about this at all – it doesn’t matter to you if the value of the bot is going up or down because you don’t actually own the bot. If you are a serious reseller who is already established in the reselling business, it is a good investment to buy a bot. However, if you are not a reseller (or an aspiring reseller that is trying to find their feet in the game), it is definitely worth renting a bot out before you make the leap to buying a bot. This is recommended because you may find that the reselling business is not for you and it is much easier to cancel the rental contract of a bot compared to selling the bot. Furthermore, the rental of a bot may come out to be cheaper than actually buying the bot; the profit that you can potentially earn from the rental of a bot in a busy week of releases may be equivalent to the profit that you will earn from the actual purchase of a bot. In this case, it is a more business savvy decision to rent a bot because the purchase of the bot will incur a larger cost for you, thus reducing the amount of profit you earn. If you are a sneaker lover or an aspiring reseller, it would definitely be worth renting a bot before you decide to make the decision to buy a bot. Bots are expensive (the good ones are!) and buying a bot is a huge waste of money if you will not actually use the bot in the long run – it would be much better to rent a bot for specific releases in this case. Renting a bot also allows you to try out different bots before you buy. Bots have different features, user interfaces and they all support different websites and thus you may feel more comfortable using certain bots compared to other bots. If you rent out different bots that you think will suit your needs, you can find the bot that works best for you and then you can consider the decision to buy that bot.

Overall, the decision to buy a bot should only come after you have established yourself in the reselling game or you have decided that this game is the one for you. Renting a bot is the better decision if you are trying to make your way into the game without a doubt.



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